Bad News and Good News for Americans– The bad news is a federal office has been established and funded to promote red flag laws, the good news is it’s headed by Kamala

It’s not surprising that a man who is arguably the worst president in the country’s history would appoint inarguably the most incompetent vice president in the country’s history to execute […]

Good Riddance.

.fb-comments,.fb-comments span,.fb-comments span iframe[style]{min-width:100%!important;width:100%!important} To paraphrase Richard Stallman, we’re not glad she’s dead, but we’re glad she’s gone. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) died this past Friday at the age of […]

Have California Gun Owners Become Institutionalized? – When people have their basic rights oppressed for long periods do they become more accepting of further restrictions?

I had the opportunity recently to watch the Shawshank Redemption. Some of you may remember the film starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Freeman plays long-time prisoner Ellis “Red” Redding […]

Another Tiresome Attack on Gun Owners and The Second Amendment in the Wake of a Tragic Mass Murder – The real threat facing our country goes far beyond attacks on gun-owners and the Second Amendment

Another mass murder has occurred where someone with severe mental health challenges murdered innocent adults and children. Attacks like the one at Covenant School will occur again. They are unpreventable. […]